A new pair of shoes, or a new dress can always put me in a good mood. My sister used to call it my "retail therapy."
As a single girl, I would shop every payday and if things got a little out of hand, I would just eat PB&J's til the next payday.
As a D.I.N.K. I think I went shopping like every day. I didn't always buy something...wait--yeah I totally did. I always bought something, even if it was just socks.
Having three kids means that if I shop, I feel I have to buy for all three of them.
Having a daughter means that I just want to buy everything. Seriously, have you seen how cute little girl's clothes are?
It doesn't help that M loves clothes and accessories as much as I do. If she is misbehaving, I'll threaten to take her hair bow or purse away. It almost always results in her doing a complete 180.
The boys love clothes too right now. I am so enjoying being that terrible mom that matches her son's clothes which makes everyone ask if they are twins despite their age/height differences. I can't help it. It's just so stinkin' cute.
I have also been known to coordinate M's and my outfits. If I can figure out what William is wearing, I may try to match the whole family. I may have a problem here. Hey, I figure they're only going to be little for a short time and that I may as well enjoy it while I can.
I do have some rules for shopping though. I only buy items for myself if they are on sale and if I am indifferent to something I carry it in my hand and not in the basket. I like to give it a chance to bond with me, to see if we're going to be friends. If I am about to checkout and I'm just not feelin' it, then I put it back.
I used to just buy the item anyway and then say I'd take it back and then I never would. I ended up with a buncha stuff and a broken heart--I trusted those items. I brought them into my home!
I know as mom's we're always trying to find great products. I am going to start posting a few reviews or favorite things. These posts will be from clothes, to cleaning products, make up, furniture, etc. As I said, I love shopping :) Stay tuned!
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