Thursday, April 12, 2012

Two by Four

I have decided that I want to get fit again. I want to be healthy for my kids. I want to be healthy for myself. I want to be sexy, I mean healthy for my husband. Most importantly, I don't want to become a zombie. 'Cause let's face it, when the Zombie Apocalypse comes (and it will) the fatties are gonna be the first to go.

Okay, I know I am not really a "fatty". Despite what my thoughts may be about my current appearance, I can in fact fit through the kitchen door. I am probably average in weight right now, but I would like to be more toned and to eat healthier.

I always say that I am going to get fit. I start off pretty strong and then things taper off. I don't really have any excuses except that I'm pretty lazy, don't like to exercise and I like to eat junk food. Wait, those all seem like perfectly valid excuses...Well, they're not going to be anymore. I'm going to kick my own butt into shape.

I think I am going to start running again and maybe try to eat a vegetable. Who's with me?

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