Thursday, April 19, 2012

These days

Today was one of those days.

This is what my day looked like:

1am--Can't sleep, up watching a horrible show called "Excused"-- Think Blind Date, only douchier--is that even a word? **Edit, "douchier" not recognized by spell check.

2am--Fall in and out of sleep

5am--Winnie our Shih Tzu starts barking. I run downstairs to let her out before she wakes the whole house. I open her kennel and she doesn't move. Instead of going out, she looks up at me with a look that says, "Just kidding!" I am not amused. I am not a morning person. If you wake me up too early, I may cut you---you've been warned.

5:05am--Get back upstairs and stub my toe on the bed frame. Yell obscenities that wake my husband. Mumble an apology and fall back asleep.

6:30am--Alarm goes off. I go to wake F up for school and realize that he's wet the bed.

6:35am--Put sheets in the washer.

6:40am--Get F dressed/Make his breakfast/Remind him to put on his shoes/Fill his water bottle/Remind him to eat his breakfast for the next 5 minutes

6:45am--Husband comes down the stairs, instructs me to go back to bed. I kiss him and F goodbye and go back upstairs to try to get some sleep

6:47am--Neighbors dogs all start barking. ALL start barking.

7:30am--Finally drift off to sleep

8:00am--My alarm goes off

8:05am--Quick shower. While in the shower I hear the garbage trucks and hope my husband remembered to put out the trash.I then realize I had trash in the garage that my husband didn't know about.

8:25am--Get kids fed/dressed/snacks packed/Break up fights between M and J.

9:25am--Load kids in the car to go to pick up F

9:30am--Pick up F

9:40am--Stop at Starbucks because I need a "treat"

9:45am--Arrive at M's ballet class

9:46am--M doesn't want to do ballet and goes in and out of ballet class/Boys fight/M cries

10:15am--We leave ballet

10:30am--We get home and I unlock the front door. F comes up to tell me that J called him a jerk.

10:31am--Ask J about it and he says he called F a jerk bc F hit him at ballet. F calls J a jerk bc J hit him last night

10:32am--Everyone cries

10:45am--We pull ourselves together for an early lunch/nap. J can't pull it together so he skips lunch and takes an early nap.

As you can see, the first part of my day was a little less than ideal. Instead of being frustrated or annoyed with today, I am going to choose to be grateful.

I am grateful for a television.
I am grateful for a dog (questionable).
I am grateful for F and that he has a bed to wet with sheets to wash and a machine to wash them in. I am grateful that we have food even if he doesn't want to eat it and that he has a school to go to.
I am grateful for my husband who sends me back to bed in the morning and goes to work for our family each day and who did remember to put out the trash!
I am grateful for garbage pick-up.
I am grateful for a bed to stub my toe on and for a home in a neighborhood that has barking dogs in it.
I am grateful for ballet classes that my daughter normally enjoys.
I am grateful for 3 children who have language skills and muscle coordination--even if they are not using them kindly.

I am grateful, because I am blessed.

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