Thursday, April 5, 2012

Pretty Is As Pretty Does

This article really has my thoughts jumbling around in my head. I decided that the best way for me to organize them would be to break them down into separate posts. I am thinking I will look at it from different perspectives, say as a woman, wife, mother, etc.

Before we get too deep into this, I feel it appropriate to give fair warning as some of these posts will get deeply personal and some will be on the PG13 scale level.
You've been warned.
Most of the time this blog will be upbeat and meant to be humorous but sometimes I try to stifle my urge to make everything a joke--don't worry it doesn't happen often.
Also, these are just my opinions and my thoughts so if you are looking for qualifications, you won't find any. What qualifies me to speak on these matters is what qualifies an elephant born in a tree to be a bird.
And while I'm here, if you haven't noticed--I ain't the most elloquencial and edumacated writer, so no taking digs at my grammar or punctuation, please. Most of these are posts are written with children underfoot, or while they are napping so I'm working fast to finish before they wake up.
Again, You've been warned!

Okay, let's get started...

As a woman--and I know I am one because I've seen me naked. I can tell you that though my initial reaction to this article was to mock it, "Oh no, I'm too pretty! My wallet is too small for my hundred dollar bills and my diamond shoes scuff when I walk in them!" Immediately, though my thoughts shifted to the old adage, "Pretty is as pretty does."

You see, never once in this article does Samantha Brick really address how she treats other women. Is she kind to them? Is she maybe a little too flirty with their husbands or boyfriends? She admits that her looks have helped her advance. Do other women see this as her using her sexuality to advance? Is there value or merit to her work or is she just skating by on her good looks? Do they feel she is flaunting her beauty and trying to make them feel insecure?

Some of what Samantha Brick may be experiencing is probably related to the projections of other women's insecurities onto her. Which can happen in any friendship with our keeping up with the Jones' mentality. Is Samantha the type of woman who sees that and tries to accommodate or exploit those feelings?

I had a friend who I secretly referred to as "The One-Upper" because everything I did, she did better. It used to really make me angry because I never felt I could share good news with her without her raining on my parade. You notice, I wrote that I "had" a friend. We're not friends anymore. Maybe Samantha is that friend. A friend who makes you feel bad about yourself isn't a friend and certainly not someone you make one of your bridesmaids.

Obviously, I don't know this woman, but she certainly comes across as conceited and narcissistic in her article. Judging from the pictures I've seen I would agree that Samantha Brick is attractive, but just because someone is good looking, does not mean that they are a good person.

Oh, I just realized that this one was more G than PG so, cat anus, cat anus, cat anus. That should cover it.


  1. lol:) I love you Sammi:)

  2. You didn't leave your name, but I probably love you too :)
